Monday, November 22, 2010

Best Text of 2010

From: Short, Irritated Jew Ex-Roommate

"Masturbating neighbor is home for Thanksgiving.  I guess now he talks on the phone while pleasuring himself.  My mom was fascinated."

Friday, November 19, 2010


I love them, both of them.

Since I reached adulthood (if that is what I'm going to call this bullshit swarm of faux maturity I currently am forced to live in), a fag is the greatest friend I have ever had.

Fags are loyal, consistent, sexy and best enjoyed when drinking and they always cause trouble.  Nothing exacerbates a raging hangover like a fag but mother of fuck they are fun in the moment.

One day I'll give up the fags because even Dries Van Noten doesn't make cancer doesn't look good but I'll never give up the homo fags because without them, I'd be a lesser person...and significantly less stylish with no one to discuss all of Bravo's programming with.

Ann Savage made this shit look good.