Friday, October 8, 2010

You Know You Go To Ad School When...

hipster boy:  have you seen the new gap logo?
hipster girl:  no.  they changed their logo?
hb:  yeah, i like the original better.
hg:  did they change the font?
hb:  yeah, you know how it was a serif font before?  well now, it's helvetica.  OF COURSE!
hg:  of course it is!  i'm so over that type

toto, i've a feeling we're not in kansas anymore.


aligross said...

And they've already changed it back.

A graphic designer I worked with once told me about a movie I should see... about fonts. I almost punched him in the face.

The Asian Sensation said...


Beth said...

I...actually really liked the Helvetica movie.